Saturday, 29 March 2014

Back to running and building up my fitness

So happy now I am back up and running after my injury.

This morning I tried out a new route, a nice 7.5K loop around Cranham. Really enjoyed it as it was such a nice, bright and sunny spring morning.

It was a bit of a struggle and found it quite tough in the last third and couldn't get a good pace going. My strength and fitness will come back in time thought and I am very much conscious of building my recovery gradually.

After my run I enjoyed my refuel with an excellent Saturday brunch.

Eggs Benedict on toasted muffins with a hash brown, mushrooms and spinach; delicious! 

Enjoy your weekend running!

Wednesday, 26 March 2014

Tasty brown rice lunch

I had a great idea for using up a bit of left over bacon; I made my own kind of risotto dish for lunch.

Probably not technically a risotto but a rice dish non the less with tomatoes and mushrooms  to accompany the said bacon with a few generous squirts of ketchup.

It ticks all the boxes, delicious? Had bacon in so yeah! Nutritious? Made with brown rice so a nice whole food card source and it had a good amount of veg in it via the tomatoes and mushrooms. Quick and easy to make? Pretty much, rice never takes too long and it only took a few minutes to fry up some mushrooms and bacon, and I did extra rice so got some for lunch tomorrow. The test will be whether it fills me up and keeps me going all afternoon? Time will tell?!

Sunday, 23 March 2014

Sunday brunch & dinner

What better way to enjoy a sunday than with trying out a nee tasty brunch idea and then having a big roast dinner?

Step one, brunch.

Decided to follow the instructions from this link to try out breakfast cupcakes,

I think it will take a bit of trial and error to perfect but our first attempts were pretty good and provided such a different hit of the usual breakfast combination of flavours. Basically they are cupcakes made of a bacon outer layer with a bread/toast bottom filled with your choice of breakfast fillings. Bacon really is magic!

Check out the link above for the recipe and some better photos.

Step two, roast dinner.

A classic roast beef sunday dinner with all the trimmings, well mashed potato, roast potato, roast parsnips&carrots and mixed veg anyway.

Can't really beat it on a sunday, I really enjoy cooking it and preping it then of course eating it accompanied by a nice cider.

This weeks foodporn out and about in London

I have had quite a bit going on this week and what better way to illustrate and document this than through pictures of food I have eaten?!

Out to a gig in Shepherds Bush and beforehand enjoyed a very enjoyable Thai meal at Thairice, I love Thai food and this was an excellent meal from an excellent restaurant. 


Enjoying a Tortilla burrito and a refreshing Mexican beer, Tortilla do one of the tastiest and authentic burritos around. On this occasion I opted for tomato rice, pinto beans, peppers&onions, pulled pork, cheese, sour cream with the medium spice salsa. 


Enjoyed a brunch out at Joe's kitchen in London Bridge, I went for one my favorite brunch options, pancakes with syrup and bacon. It may look pretty good but unfortunately the ratios were all wrong, there wasn't enough syrup or or  bacon to go with the pancakes, rather annoying?!  

Back up and running

After 20 days without being able to run I managed to get out for a 5K yesterday.

I was starting to get worried about writing a blog about a third runless weekend and was concerned that despite my best intentions to write a running blog that covered some food pictures the blog was turning into a complete foodporn website due to my inability to be able to run. 

So back to running, on Friday I felt that my groin was feeling strong enough to try out a bit of running so I incorporated a run of a couple of hundred metres into my circuit training over the park. 

In all I completed 3 circuits of 1 minute sets of star jumps, squats, knee highs, calf raises & rocket jumps followed by a little run. I then rounded this off with 3 circuits of press ups, dips and some sets on the upper body gym equipment in the park. 

Having no problem with this run I ventured out for a 5K on Saturday morning and managed it fairly easy at 5minute/km pace. I was just so happy to be able to get out and run again and relieved to be able to write about some running on the blog at last, so hears to more running and running related blogging! 

Friday, 21 March 2014

Wednesday, 19 March 2014

This is what running is all about

That's the thing about running: your greatest runs are rarely measured by racing success. They are moments in time when running allows you to see how wonderful your life is.

Kara Goucher 

Sunday, 16 March 2014

A second runless weekend

A second consecutive runless weekend, feels so odd not doing something that is usually the main focus of my weekend.

As is so often the case when I am not training so much my motivation for eating well falls away. This week has also coincided with a few drink fuelled nights out so that combined with subsequent hangovers has further limited my training abilities.

I decided to cook up a tasty and healthy meal yesterday though and managed to knock up a really nice fish and veg bake.

Which went done really well, nice and light with plenty of good stuff in it. 

However saturday night was a different story as opted for some indulgent comfort eating.

Nachos with tex mex dips and mounds of melted cheese. Ultimate comfort eating! Was so good as a blowout snack.

I did get out this morning for some circuit training in the park. I have been really enjoying working on circuits comprising of the usual body weight type exercise such as press ups, squats and star jumps and some skipping thrown in for some cardio as well.

Had a nice post workout breakfast to set me up for the day.

The great thing is tomorrow is a new day and the start of a new week, so a fresh slate to start again. My aims for the week are to get back eating healthier, to get a gym session or circuit session in every day and to continue working on my strength and conditioning work. I am hopeful of having a bit of a run towards the end of the week or maybe at the weekend as my groin is healing up and starting to feel better.

Tuesday, 11 March 2014

10 runless days

My injury setback continues into its 10th day....

I know 10 days isn't a massive amount of time compared with most injuries but its a really long time for me not to be running and doing the training I want.

Also I never really had any badinjuries in   my 10 years as a running bar a few weeks out with strained knee ligaments 5 years ago and the odd niggle here and there. 

I am thinking my injuries are definitely a sign of age catching up with me and a realisation that I need to spend more time on strength and conditioning exercises.

Since turning 29 at the end of January I have been suffering with an injury for almost 50%  of the time, age looks like its catching up with me its all downhill from here.....

Sunday, 9 March 2014

A runless weekend

Disappointingly no running this weekend as I am struggling with a groin strain.

I was due to be partaking in my first away day park run over the weekend in Sheffield so am I annoyed I wasn't able  to do that but there will be other times.

Who finds that when they are injured and unable to train you lose all motivation to eat well? I have definitely found that this weekend and have rather indulged the highlight being a gorgeous pork belly with mash and beans.

Although I didn't manage a run I did get some exercise under my belt in the form of a very enjoyable 3 hour walk in the peak district. A really nice walk along the monsal trail with some interesting history and great scenery. 

While out on the walk we came across the grindleford gallop that was underway along the same route.

Its a 21mile route with around 3000 feet in elevation so if you are looking for a a challenge next spring perhaps as a marathon warm up this would tick all the boxes of being a massive challenge and a really enjoyable route as well, check it out on the link below:

I have already set a reminder on my phone to enter in November when entries open, looking forward to it already! 


All geared up ready to watch the rugby this afternoon Wales v England. Should be an awesome game and its setup to be a massively intense and physical battle.

The fitness levels, strength and stamina of international rugby players is something I struggle to comprehend in comparison to my own fitness. As an idea of a rugby players fitness have a look at this clip of England's Ben Foden which is so impressive, hes on the comeback from injury at the moment so not currently playing for England but the clip gives you an indication of what the players put themselves through to get match fit.

Thursday, 6 March 2014

Does running drive you mad?

Has anyone read this article?

Agree? Disagree? Any thoughts?


As I am trying to take a bit of time out of running and trying to make sure I rest my aches and pains and recover properly from my recent half marathon its got me thinking about recovery.

The two main things I use for my recovery after training are two things I am so enthusiastic about and try to share where possible so thought I would share them here.

1. Foam rolling.

A growing trend in the last year or two and something I have been doing for a couple of years since recommended to me by a personal trainer friend. At first I was quite put off by the screams of agony from those who did it at my gym (it can be quite painful if your muscles are really tight) but once I got used to and felt the benefits I was a convert and am now a massive fan!

I roll as part of my warm up to loosen up mainly my calves and will then usually roll as part of a secondary cool down an hour or so after a run. I also try to roll on run rest days or when I am especially achy in days after a long run. Before an event I will also try to do a 10/15 minute roll session twice a day in the couple of days before just to keep my muscles in good condition.

There are loads of articles online about what exercises to do and how to start rolling but heres one I rather liked:

There are loads of rollers on the market as well, currently I favour a Reebok one and I would recommend one as its not that expensive and has lasted me well. I cant be without mine now and it is a key bit of kit that I pack when going away for an event.

For further assistance in buying yourself a foam roller heres runnersworld guide: 

I would really urge any runner or anyone doing a lot of training to give it ago and am confident you will feel the benefits.

Complete list of foam roller exercises:

2. Another exercise I use that I am a big fan of is legs up the wall. 

Its so simple yet so effective, lie on the floor, legs against a wall with your bum as close to the wall as you can manage. Then just lie, relax, breathe....

Apparently its an old yoga pose thats meant to bring so many health benefits but for my purposes I use for helping to drain lactic acid out of my muscles and increasing blood flow round my body. 

I couldn't find many sites with running specific information but for a detailed list of benefits check this out: 

Again I was recommended this by a personal trainer who was quite into alternative exercises a few years ago and have used it ever since.

I have since read that it is an exercise favoured by cricket players to energise themselves before or during long periods in the field.

I am always trying to remind myself to do it after a run as don't think I utilise it enough. I always do it for 5-10 minutes after a morning run before work as I really feel it aides recovery and further energised you for the day ahead.

Don't be afraid to give it ago you might feel a bit conscious trying it out in public but don't let that stop you just give it a go and try to relax into and use it to reflect on your training and prepare yourself for the day ahead.

Wednesday, 5 March 2014

Trying to enforce some rest

I told myself that I needed some time off running after the half marathon. I was struggling after a few weeks intensive training and had a few too many niggles to be described as fully fit. 

I had a bit of an ankle sprain the week before the half marathon which I thought might hamper the race but luckily turned out to heal up in time.

But could I get through one week of rest from running? Of course not!
Most runners would agree its harder than actually putting in the hard yards especially just after an event when your feeling at the peak of your fitness. 

I managed to have to have 2 clear days off from all training but couldn't resist going for a little run tonight despite having a few niggles by tricking myself into thinking it was a recovery run. 

What was making me especially eager to keep up running was my opportunity at the coming weekend to take part in my first 'away day' parkrun in Sheffield.

Needless to say you knew what was coming I tried to go out tonight but only managed to drag myself through 0.87km as my left groin felt so tight. 

So my creaking body now has a left groin to add to a sore right ankle, a troublesome left hip, tight calves and painful shins to add to its list of ailments. 

I am thankful they are all niggles  rather than proper injuries but that makes things harder as its not a case of I can't run rather a case of I shouldn't run.  

So heres to a few days of enforced rest, good luck to everyone trying to rest themselves at the moment.

Tuesday, 4 March 2014

Happy Pancake Day!

I have never really liked traditional pancakes with the usual toppings of lemon and sugar so I thought I should try creating my own more tastier alternative. 

I always felt pancakes lacked enough chocolately goodness to really be indulgent and the big blow out before lent they were supposed to be. So I have made something more to my tastes using jaffa cakes and lots of melted chocolate, now that's more like it......

Monday, 3 March 2014

Tunbridge Wells Half Marathon

Tunbridge Wells Half Marathon

I ran in the 2014 Tunbridge Wells Half Marathon on Sunday 2nd March.

It was my 6th Half Marathon and I managed to smash my PB by 7 minutes! 

To anyone looking for a great event to run this time next year I would definitely recommend taking part in this event. Great route, great scenery, great marshaling, great medal, great music from live bands and a pretty decent chance at a PB as there are plenty of downhills and also pacers are provided. 

I can also recommend Tunbridge Wells for some excellent pubs, cafes and restaurants which provided a very pleasant Saturday pre race which required a lot of will power to resist a drink or two!

I did very much enjoy my post race refuel though at Java cafe who have a great range of Egg Benedict specials. I opted for the Cumberland option which went down a treat!