Thursday, 29 October 2015

Post marathon and onto the next challenge

Post marathon blues can be a common side affect of running a marathon. All the effort that goes into training, all the planning for race day, all the expectation on goals to be achieved and then all of a sudden it's over and there is suddenly a void where marathon training once consumed your life. 

No such trouble for me on this occasion. Post marathon I decided to employ a reverse taper strategy, which is exactly what it sounds like, increasing my mileage after the marathon in the same we I decreased it in the build up to the race. 

I didn't quite achieve a mirror image but here is what my training schedule looked like pre and post marathon: 

10th 10K 
12th 5.7K 
14th 4K fartlek
17th 2.5K
18th Chhelmsford Marathon
21st 1.8K 
23rd 4K fartlek
25th 10K 

And so onto the next challenge...

After the marathon I have ended up going to the complete other end of the running spectrum and am now focusing on 5Ks and in particular training for a sub 20 minute 5K by the end of the year.

This challenge is in competition with running buddies Chris and Tony and we plan to check on our 5K capabilities shortly before having a crack at the sub 20 just before Christmas.

After the long time consuming runs of marathon training it's kind of nice to now be looking at shorter training runs in preparation for 5K. It's nice not to have to commit so much free time to training although I realise if done properly more speed training will in fact be more tiring! 

Although the training will be very different between training for a marathon and a 5K one thing will remain the same the quest for for sub4. For my marathon I was aiming for a sub 4 hour finish and now for a sub 20 minute 5K I will have to achieve sub 4 minute kilometres, so the goal really remains the same!

So for the next little while the blog is likely to be full of speed work, circuit training, hill sprints and intervals and it's a change I am looking forward to. I am really excited to see how far I can improve my current 5K PB of 21.00 over this dedicated period of time. 

Earlier in the year I worked hard on my speed work for a while as I realised I was so out of shape! I managed to improve my time from 23.?? To my current PB of 21.00 in just ? weeks. You can read about that here. 

So stay tuned for how this challenge pans out, you can follow my blog on Twitter, Facebook, Google+ or bloglovin. It would be great to get some suggestions on some good speed work sessions and different exercises you have used to get stronger, let me know what has worked for you! 

Wednesday, 21 October 2015

Chelmsford Marathon race review

On Sunday I ran my seventh marathon at the second Chelmsford marathon. I will get straight to the point, I ran an awesome race, smashed the course and knocked 6 minutes clean off my PB to finish in a time of 4.03.52.

Chelmsford as a marathon appealed to me as it is only around 15miles away from where I live and usually an easy enough train journey. However this weekend there were train engineering works so the journey became a bit more stressful involving a much earlier start and rail replacement buses.

I was pretty apprehensive in the week before the marathon and much of this was down to the uncertainty of the journey to the start line, as if weeks of tough training weren't hard enough! 

Despite being my seventh marathon this was only my third 'race' at marathon distance as the others have been hilly trail marathon which although great fun are no good for fast times or PBs. So discounting my first marathon where I didn't really know what I was getting myself into despite training as thoroughly as I knew how to at the time this was then only in affect my second marathon attempt.

I felt pretty confident of running a good time and challenging my PB as my training has much improved in recent months since my involvement in Asics 26.2 at the end of last year, there's plenty of my blog articles that talk about this I won't harp on about it again! 

So I felt good heading into the race although a little dubious about my long training runs as I felt that I cut them abut short and that I would have really benefited had they been a mile or two longer. Every little helps!

My general strategy was to aim for around 4 hour pace and see how the race worked out. Although my pacing strategy was to just run comfortably and see where that got me, as Long as I didn't push the pace early on I knew I would be OK. I also knew I was comfortable at running at 5.25min/km (approx 3.40hour pace) for a considerable amount of at least the first half. If I could get some good distance in at 5.25 and then finish off at around 5.40 pace then sub4 would certainly be possible. 

The first mile or two were pretty congested and quite twisty turney but I managed to get into a rhythm and I felt good. After around 3miles I was running behind two guys and overheard their discussion on pacing, they were aiming for around a 4 hour finish and like experienced long distance runners who were going to pace themselves sensibly  so I aimed to keep pace with them. I managed to keep them in my sights sitting comfortably around 20m behind them for the whole course until around mile 21 when I managed to surge past them. 

I passed the first 5K at target pace as well as the 10K point, the miles were being ticked off in the required 9minute mile pace and I felt good. 

As for the course the first section was largely uninspiring apart from the amusement of running through the town of Springfield, unfortunately I didn't spot any Simpsons! 

A massive plus point of the event is the frequency of water stations which were located every few miles and are much more frequent than an average marathon. 
I still opted to carry my hydration pack though so I could easily have water, gels, an energy drink and an emergency pack of jelly babies close at hand.

After the first 7 or 8 miles of a marathon is where the fun starts, 10K has been and gone and you know you are into the main body of the race. My plan was to just focus on each mile and keep reevaluating my race goal every few miles.

It was at around this point that I knew I was going to have a good race as the miles seemed to fly by, I didn't have to longingly look ahead for mile markers or agonisingly gaze at my watch hoping the minutes would magically skip by. 

Miles 16, 17 and 18 soon came and I knew I was still on for a finish at around 4 hours and more surprisingly I was still feeling good. I kept running and waiting for the tiredness to hit me, waiting for my pace to slow right down as my legs turned to stone, but it never came....

Sure I slowed down, yes I felt stiff, and I had nagging pains pop up in my hip, groin and foot but nothing enough to slow me down. 

Somewhere between miles 18-20 marshals had placed some homemade motivational banners along the course. One in particular appealed to me and stuck in my mind:

With this thought at the forefront of my mind I also had the motivation of 'don't be shit!' Ringing in my ears, these two phrases stuck with me in the closing miles and definitely earned me a few extra minutes.

Over the last third of the race I ran and chatted for a bit with two or three different runners. At mile 21 I started chatting with a marathon debutant who was maintaining a decent pace although he was bravely fighting to keep going and complete the marathon in his target time of close to 4 hours. I assured him anything near to 4 hours was a fantastic first marathon time. We seemed well paced with each other and both seemed to be spurring the other on to keep going which felt great. 

Towards mile 23 something clicked, running at this steady was hard for sure and a finish of around my existing PB of 4.09 would be pleasing I actually felt good, I could definitely go faster, maybe sub4 was still on the cards. 

So I wished my latest running buddy all the best and sped off, it felt great to be aiming for a target and giving everything I had to hit it. For a mile maybe a mile and a half I kept up what I imagine was 8 minute mile pace before  I finally ran out of steam and I just had to hold on until the end.

Looking back now I feel that my realisation at that point earned me my PB , although I slowed down badly in the last mile I don't think it would have been any slower than it would have been had I just kept plodding along and I had two faster miles to show for it as well.

I am so pleased with my PB, there's something about a PB that just keeps you buzzing, the achievement, the satisfaction, the pride, so many positive emotions. 

But so much more than this I am astounded at the improvement in my performance. In past marathons the final miles have been a struggle, a walk/run affair to slowly limp over the finish line having to muster every bit of mental strength to keep myself moving forward.

So what changed this time? Here are the factors that I think positively contributed to my improved performance and PB time:
  • A better mental attitude of believing anything is possible, Chris and Tony here's your shout out boys, thanks for the support! 
  • A clearer understanding of what a marathons all about, knowing how hard it is, how long it is and what it takes to finish.
  • A more restful taper- The week before the marathon I ran about 12K the week before that around 20K, I definitely felt more rested and energised.
  • Interval sessions - Since Asics 26.2 and the subsequent track sessions my running has definitely improved. Intervals give your legs that power and knowledge that they can easily change a gear and up the pace when required, a necessary requirement for keeping to pace in a marathon. 
  • Midweek longer runs - I identified in the build up to my last marathon in August that I had ticked a lot of boxes with my training, long runs, speed work, tempo runs, recovery runs but I felt I needed a longer run midweek. So in this training cycle on top of the weekend long runs and shorter speed work sessions I have ventured out on longer runs of around 15K at and faster than target marathon pace.
  • Sustained high mileage - In the last two or three months I have trained for and completed the Vanguard Way Marathon, 4 laps at Spitfire Scramble (40K), Bacchus Half Marathon and a 10K race. I have racked up 430K in the last two months and another 320K in the two months prior to that, the sustained high mileage over several months has definitely made me stronger and increased my stamina.
Still buzzing with my PB several days after I have now increased my love for the marathon and feel with a few improvements I am capable of knocking 10-15 minutes off my PB in early 2016!

Thanks as always for reading and for everyone who has supported me in any way big or small, thank you and happy running!

Saturday, 17 October 2015

Chelmsford Marathon training review

Tomorrow the 18th October I am running the Chelmsford Marathon, marathon number 7 for me, my second marathon this year and another attempt at a sub 4 hour marathon. 

Life has been busy hence the lack of blogs about training in recent weeks and months. The hard miles have still been put in mind you, maybe not in the quantities I would have ideally wished for but that's life, everyone has things on their plate and no training schedule ever goes to plan. You can never do enough running or run enough miles.

Although in saying that a quick look over my training log shows that I have racked up 343K in this training stint since Spitfire Scramble pretty much exactly two months ago. The last two months has included two events, firstly me having an absolute ball at the Bacchus half and then also running just the 12 seconds outside of my 10K PB at the Barking and Dagenham 10K (didn't get round to writing a blog for this one!).

So in summary here's what I have learnt from training for my latest marathon, what I have differently and things I wish I had done differently.

Speed work - since being involved in the Asics 26.2 competition last year speed work has become more integrated into my training plans and even more so in the last few months.

Over the summer I have spent several an early morning before work out on the Regents Park running track mostly with running buddies Tony and Chris.

Examples of the kind of session I have been doing include 1K aiming for 10K pace (4.30 min/km) and 1K reverting back to marathon pace (5.40 min/km), yasso 800 sessions and repeating the Asics 26.2 5K session of 400m and 200m easy repeated over 5K.

No core - One of my objective of this training plan was to really work on my core strength and to really incorporate a lot of strength and conditioning work into my schedule. But for one reason and another this hasn't happened, mainly due to working longer hours and struggling to settle my training into regular schedule.

Trainers - My trainers have had it, they are dead. They have easily covered 600km and I noticed about three weeks ago that they had quickly deteriorated from being in good condition to being past it. At that late stage I didn't really feel comfortable changing trainers so I opted to stick with them. To be honest my feet have suffered and the ball of my right foot has become increasingly sore in recent weeks and I am pretty sure this is down to a loss of support and cushioning from my trainers. Hopefully they can get me through the next 42Km before being put out to pasture.

Faster long runs - One of the changes to my training I implemented following Asics 26.2 was to slow my longer runs right down to 30 secs/1 minute slower than my target pace. I now this is quite a standard training practice but for me I didn't enjoy it, it made me so much slower and I found I really struggled to run comfortably at my target marathon pace. Maybe I didn't mix my training up enough with faster runs and marathon pace runs but for me it hasn't worked so I moved back to running my longer runs at around target marathon pace and I feel much better and faster for it. 

Race Number Clips - Long overdue but I have finally got round to buying myself a pack of these so I can stop messing around with safety pins come race morning!

Sports massage - With all the high mileage in recent months including Baccus and Spitfire scramble I thought I needed a massage to make sure I was in the bets shape for this marathon. So last week I went for a sports massage, I figured about 10 days out was the best timing for one rather than the week before and it has definitely helped loosen up my legs. The therapist was concerned with tightness in my left ITband so I was glad to have that looked at and treated. Note to self; need to have more regular massages going forward!

In the last week I have focused on eating well, getting plenty of sleep and staying well hydrated. Then since Thursday my attentions have turned to taking on more carbs, whole meal pittas, jaffa cakes, flap jacks and pasta have all been on the menu.

So after a gentle little jog this afternoon my training is complete and all is left now is to relax, focus, stay hydrated and eat plenty of carbs!