About me

Hello! I am Gareth and this is my blog.

A small time blogger my blog is very much a work in progress and something I want to build up and develop over time. If any more experienced bloggers have any advice or feedback I am always very grateful to take it on board. In the past I have written for the Running Junkies website, check out the site for some lighthearted running based articles, interviews and supplements offers and reviews. 

I have also written articles for various other websites including The Running Stories, here about my running irritations and here about the turmoil of buying new running shoes, and for Start Fitness here about winter kit perils. I'm always interested in new opportunities so please get in touch if you are looking for content for your blog or website. 

About me, well I have been running for over ten years now and over time it has become an important part of my life. So much so that in early 2014 I set up my blog which as well as being here on my website and being available on bloglovin you can also follow on Twitter @beoutrunning like on Facebook I'd rather be out running or follow on Pinterest @garethdavies31 . 

When I started out running I started off with less than a mile around the block where I lived which would take me around 9 minutes and would usually leave me tired and achy for days!

Now I am proud to say not only is running part of my regular routine but I have gone on to complete many events whether that be 5K, 10K, half marathons or full marathons.

I recently turned 30 so as well as booking a holiday to get away for a few days for my birthday celebrations I decided  I needed some sort of challenge to complete prior to turning 30 so I decided to run 3 marathons in 3 months! I did have the ambition of running a sub 4 hour marathon before I hit the 30 mark but unfortunately that didn't quite work out. You can read a summary of how this challenge went here.

A big part of my running experiences recently have revolved around my involvement in Runners Worlds Target Asics 26.2 competition which I refer to a lot in different articles. You can read about my boot camp experience here any my reflections on being part of the competition here.

At the end of 2014 I also embarked on a 30 day runstreak as another running challenge and to raise awareness and funds for Pancreatic Cancer UK.

During 2015 I took on a few more marathons and looked at developing on my speed by trying to smash the sub 20 minute 5K barrier which turned out to be a futile attempt as I struggled to improve on my PB of 21.00.

2016 is proving a busy year with plenty of half marathons in the early part of the year and several exciting events planned in the second half of the year.

If you have a little look round at a few articles you will notice food also plays a big part in my life. Basically I love eating, good food, bad food, junk food, healthy food I eat it all and generally lots of it that's why despite all my running I have not turned paper thin! 

So please enjoy my ramblings about running, fitness and food. Thank you very much for visiting and reading what I have to say and if you want to get in touch for any reason just give me a shout!


I am proud to be a member of UK Fitness Bloggers

In 2016 I was so chuffed to be included in the 'top 30 most interesting running blogs you need to know' by healthlisted.com. Have a read about what they had to say about my blog and check out some of the other cool bloggers listed. 

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