Sunday, 20 April 2014

3 marathons in 3 months pre 30 challenge

I turn 30 early next year.

Its fine I can deal with it I am not going to have a break down but at the same time it is a pretty big deal. 

I decided a while ago I needed to achieve something or have some sort of focus in the run up to the landmark birthday. 

So I have plumped for 3 marathons in 3 months at the end of this year. 

I know its not that big of a challenge as there are people that do marathons everyday or straight after each other on the same day. But as someone who has only complete two marathons before over the space of about 4 years doing 3 in 3 months sounded like a pretty good challenge especially when you think of the commitment in training over the next 6 months. 

These are the 3 marathons I am all signed up for: 

Vanguard Way Marathon - Croydon, 3rd August 

Robin Hood Marathon - Nottingham, 29th September

Brentwood Marathon - Brentwood, Essex 26th October 

The Vanguard and Brentwood marathons are off road trail marathon where as Nottingham is a city road marathon so there is a bit of variety and the added challenge of more difficult terrains. 

So the training begins, I am really excited and motivated for the trials that lie ahead, BRING IT ON!!!!

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