Tuesday, 27 May 2014

Running off my Easter chocolate

Easter weekend; 4 days off work and lots of chocolate.  

I started out the weekend by thinking I could do some kind of experiment into how many calories I burned off from exercise over the weekend in comparison  to the amount of calories I consumed from chocolate over the weekend and see how that worked out.

However upon realising that a cadburys creme egg has 180 calories I quickly realised I was going to need to be running sone serious miles every day to work off all my calories from chocolate especially when I had 6 creme eggs on friday morning in addition to other chocolate.

So not wanting to depress myself by counting all my chocolate calories I abandoned this idea and just concentrated on getting some good training done instead.

Good Friday

So friday I did a 45 minute circuit training session in the park including jogging to warm up, skipping, press ups, planks, tricep dips, kick throughs and body weight resistance machines.


Saturday I had decided to make my return to my local parkrun. I thought this would be a good way of incorporating some speed work into my training as well as getting a sense of how I compared to my times last year.

I gave the race a good go and pushed it pretty hard and although my legs felt string my lungs struggled which I think fairly represented my recent training of boot camps but not a lot of running.

I was really pleasantly surprised with my time of 22.12 as I was aiming to go under 24 minutes and would have been very satisfied with that. 

I was even more surprised when I later realised this time was my second fastest out of the 7 times I have completed parkrun.

I know 7 times isn't a massive amount of runs but I have always pushed for a PB at parkrun and never just turned up with the aim of getting round so my times are all competitive. 

I also did a jog/walk there and back so covered an extra 6K in addition to the 5K parkrun.


Again I headed over to the park for some circuit training this time mixing up skipping and star jumps with body weight resistance. I was all set for a long session when the heavens opened and my session got rather washed out so I headed home and did a mixture of legs and upperbody exercises. 

Sunday afternoon I also cooked up my own lamb kofta meal with cucumber&mint yogurt and my own cous cous.


This is the day my training for my 3 marathons in 3 month challenge really offically started. (See previous post http://idratherbeoutrunning.blogspot.co.uk/2014/04/3-marathons-in-3-months-pre-30-challenge.html?m=1 for details)

I headed out early doors for a there and back route to Ingrebourne hill about 12km.

It was the most beautiful sunny morning for a run and although I found it quite hard going I thoroughly enjoyed the run, the weather and the scenery. 

Its the first time I have done that kind of distance since my half marathon in early march other than my commute run home which is a different league as running through the city is so stop/start with all the traffic and much slower paced because of carrying my rucksack. 

I am somewhere off my best pace as I conpleted 12.5K in 1 hour 8 minutes when prior to the half marathon I was almost clearing 13K in under an hour.

I am not too fussed though as my big focus for my training for my upcoming marathons is to run more at a slower marathon pace rather than at threshold or sprint pace.

The weekend was finished off with a delicious turkish meal out. Lamb Iksender  awesome!

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