It is now around 9pm and I haven't received a call nor seen any evidence of anyone else having received a call via Twitter so all I can presume is that the judges are having a difficult time in deciding and will let us know their decisions tomorrow.

In terms of running as I was off work today I headed out early for a longerish run aiming for a around 10K. I headed out into my local country park of Ingrebourne Valley which you will have heard me mention often in my blogs.

I headed out alongside the Ingrebourne river before diverting off and following along some of the Spitfire Scramble course. This turned out to be appropriate as I received notification later in the day that I had been offered a place in one of the UKrunchat team for the 2015 event.
If you aren't aware of spitfire scramble it is a 24 hour team event which I took part in earlier this year, my write up of the event can be found here.
My run itself was most enjoyable, I enjoyed being out early in the quiet and enjoyed going a longer distance. The scenery was great and I found it most rewarding especially in comparison to my commute into London that I would have been undertaking at that time had I been going to work.

into the dirty muck!
Alongside my exciting Spitfire Scramble news I also discovered today that Brentwood now have their own parkrun and it is going to be staged in the lovely setting of South Weald Park which was the venue for my third of three marathons in three months the South Weald Marathon. I am really excited to be taking part in this inaugural parkrun on Saturday and hopefully on many future Saturdays to come!
In terms of my runstreak I continue to enjoy running everyday and continue to feel stronger and fitter. I am now halfway through and am looking forward to finish the raining days strongly.
Tomorrow will now be my day of reckoning to see if I make it through to the next stage of the process for the Asics 26.2 competition! I am keeping my fingers crossed to see what happens!
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