Monday, 20 July 2015

I don't like Mondays, but I liked this one!

The last few weeks, the last few months even has seen a steep decline in the number of articles on my blog. That's not to say I haven't been running, far from it, I have been running more than ever. 

Recently I have really struggled to find the motivation and brain power to write anything, I have had plenty of good ideas and have on several occasions started to write things but have just lacked the will to get anything published. The only reason I can think of for this is my new job which I started earlier this year which certainly takes up a bit more mental energy as well as more of my time. 

So what better way to get my motivation reignited than on a Monday, but not just any Monday, a Monday off work. Not only a Monday off work but a Monday off work started off with a run. 

Monday marks the start of the working week, along with the dread of embarking on five days of work that hangs over the working population like a dark cloud on a Monday morning there is also a ray of optimism that every Monday brings. A new week, a chance to start again, a whole range of new possibilities for how the week might turn out.

It depends how you look at it, you can choose to treat it as an opportunity or fear it as a dreaded curse. I summed up these kind of thoughts and feelings in an article I wrote for Running Junkies last year which can be read here if you so wish.

Any way back to today, I am now less than two weeks away from the Vanguard Way marathon and although I have trained hard I am not feeling particularly marathon ready. The reasons for this is mainly due I think to poor diet in recent weeks as well changing my training to bring a greater focus to each run and to really concentrate on pacing. Despite this added focus I feel more confused about my pacing, how fast I can run and how I should pace my marathon, but anyway that's a story for another article which I will hopefully write shortly! 

This morning I found myself at the house of my brother in law and running buddy, not to mention frequent character in my blog, Tom in Tunbridge Wells following an excellent day at the cricket yesterday watching Essex v Kent at the Nevill Cricket Ground in Tunbridge Wells. Despite a day sat in the sun drinking a few amount of alcoholic refreshment and an evening spent sampling some of Tunbridge Wells fine drinking establishments not to mention a late night curry we were still keen to venture out for an early morning jaunt. 

What followed was a 7K speedy canter out of Tunbridge Wells along a bridal path out towards the Sussex border providing some great views over the South East. It was quite a hilly little run with at last three decent testing climbs and a few gentle downhills. 

It was still a humid morning with a thick covering of cloud following early morning showers, a light drizzle provided some nice refreshment without getting us too wet.

On a clear day the views but be spectacular but today they were hidden from view, the moody weather conditions not wanting to unveil what lay beyond.

I must admit I struggled at first, the steepness of the run, the beers and ciders consumed yesterday along with Tom's rapid early pace all proved rather challenging.

Hope you are happy with your increased presence on the blog Tom?!  
The frustration I have running with Tom is that where as I like a thorough warm up routine prior to setting out running Tom is more of a throw on some running kit and head straight out the door type of guy. It's just the way our bodies differ and I must say I am envious to be able to just run rather than needing to stretch muscles and increase blood flow before contemplating heading off. So it took me a good 3 or 4 Kms before I felt warmed up, anyway that's my excuse for struggling to keep up with Tom on the first half of the run! 

Back at the house Tom cooked up an excellent post run breakfast, a Jamie Oliver inspired concoction, sweet corn pancakes topped with tomatoes, avocado, pancetta, syrup, natural yogurt and a squeeze of lime juice. It sounds far too much for one dish but all I can say is, it works!

What better way to start a Monday?! Certainly better than being stuck on my desk ploughing my way through the weekends email. So with an invigorating run under my belt I am looking forward to my training ahead this week, of course it will be scaled down a bit as I start to taper but it will be enjoyable none the less. 

I hope your Monday and your week got off to a great start, whatever you have planned make the most of your week and have a great weeks training!

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