Thursday 21 May 2015

Glad to be out running

After 10 days without running I got back out running today.

Not quite headline grabbing news and ten days is hardly an age but for me it has felt like weeks of not months.

After the Hackney Half Marathon I knew I needed some rest and recovery time for my calves as I have had problems with them all year and they were just so tight and painful.

So I took a week off running, applied ice at least once a day and after a few days started some gentle rolling. 

Then on Monday after I had already given my calves a week to rest I had a sports massage which was great for loosening up not only my calves but my hamstrings as well.

Then today I headed out on a lovely warm sunny afternoon for a gentle 30 minute run, no time, no pace and no real set route. And it was glorious! It was great to run after a long lay off, great not to have pain in my calves and great to just get out and run without worrying about training for an up coming race.

I will now go for a longer run at the weekend and fingers crossed I hope I will be back to full running fitness!

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