Tuesday, 29 April 2014

Afternoon trail running

A nice afternoon off work, the sunshine and some trails in a local country park to help build up my mileage, it doesn't get much better!

They say pictures can tell a thousand words so I am going to let my pictures do the talking.

I covered just over 13K, about 3K on the road to get there and 3K on the way back so about 7K in the middle on trails.

On a sunny afternoon like this why would you even consider running on a treadmill in a gym or pounding the pavements round the streets?

Monday, 28 April 2014

Early morning workout

I had forgotten how good it feels to workout in the morning before work. 

I am definitely a morning person and usually feel a lot sharper getting up earlier to train. 

This morning I got up around 5.30 left home soon after 6, after my commute into work I got to the gym around 7.15, did a 45 minute work out and still got to work around 8.20.

I felt really good from getting up early and felt a real buzz from my training, the only thing bringing me down was the general moans of colleagues complaining of tiredness from the weekend and towards the week ahead.

After my gym session this morning I realised it had been almost a month since I last went to the gym in the morning before work. I have been running once if twice but this was the first time since the end of March I had been to the gym in AM or in fact at all for a proper workout other than a warm up before going out running.

Different commitments and some time of work have meant I haven't been able to fit morning workouts into my routine and I have really missed them.

Thats not to say I have been doing any less training, I have just been enjoying training in the evening sunshine since the evenings got lighter and warmer.

I cant believe it has been so long as I really enjoy an early morning workout and really value the added sharpness and energy it gives me throughout the day. 

Over the next couple of weeks I want to start getting back into training twice a day a few times a week, gym in the morning and running in the evening.

I covered 12K again at the weekend and managed faster pace than last week and felt a lot stronger so I am starting to shape up quite nicely. 

I plan to cover 12K+ on Tuesday and am looking forward to the added mileage and feeling stronger.

Friday, 25 April 2014

Setting the foundations for the challenges ahead

This week I have really started to mentally and physically prepare for my 3 marathon challenge later in the year.

Its interesting how the prospect of running a long distance can quickly become daunting. Despite the face I ran a marathon 6 months ago and a half less than 2 months ago the prospect of running these distances again seem a long way off after a few weeks off training with injuries.

But it so exciting having everything ahead of you; the challenge and the transformation I know I am going to go through over the coming months.

At the moment my fitness isn't up to scratch, I know I am not fit enough or strong enough and I definitely need to sort out my diet and shape up a little bit.

This will all come in time though with the right diet and training. 

I have been starting to eat cleaner this week and know I will need to keep this up consistently in the coming months.

Training wise I covered 12K on monday, did a boot camp on wednesday and then 7K on thursday. 

My hips, thighs and hamstrings have been so stiff and sore it was a struggle to get out yesterday but I managed to.

I hope to do another 12K over the weekend and I think I will be quite happy with the foundations laid in the first week.

In other news, check out https://www.run2work.com/ if you live and get involved its a great idea.

Also follow me on twitter: @beoutrunning

Sunday, 20 April 2014

3 marathons in 3 months pre 30 challenge

I turn 30 early next year.

Its fine I can deal with it I am not going to have a break down but at the same time it is a pretty big deal. 

I decided a while ago I needed to achieve something or have some sort of focus in the run up to the landmark birthday. 

So I have plumped for 3 marathons in 3 months at the end of this year. 

I know its not that big of a challenge as there are people that do marathons everyday or straight after each other on the same day. But as someone who has only complete two marathons before over the space of about 4 years doing 3 in 3 months sounded like a pretty good challenge especially when you think of the commitment in training over the next 6 months. 

These are the 3 marathons I am all signed up for: 

Vanguard Way Marathon - Croydon, 3rd August 

Robin Hood Marathon - Nottingham, 29th September

Brentwood Marathon - Brentwood, Essex 26th October 

The Vanguard and Brentwood marathons are off road trail marathon where as Nottingham is a city road marathon so there is a bit of variety and the added challenge of more difficult terrains. 

So the training begins, I am really excited and motivated for the trials that lie ahead, BRING IT ON!!!!

Thursday, 17 April 2014

Poncho8 Burrito review

I love burritos and have been wanting to do some kind of review/rating system of the various different chains and  By the way I am more of a 'man v food' type of guy rather than getting all fancy and gourmet.

So Poncho8, this is the second time I have been and the last time was only because I had some sort of voucher. Again there is one near where I work and there seems to be a couple dotted around mainly the city.

Poncho8 have big shoes to fill as they were previously voted best burrito in London by the Evening Standard so expectations are higher than average.

Today I was in the mood for steak, not usually my meat of choice as I normally go for chicken or pulled pork. Today was a good day to go for it though as Poncho8 offered British steak, chilli beef as well as Barbocoa as well as chicken, pulled pork and tofu options so top marks for variety!

My burrito ingredients today were:

Tomato rice
Pinto beans
British steak
Mild salsa
Sour cream

I know, I know again no guacamole! Again same as last week I wanted to give the steak a chance to fill my meaty desires without being overpowered by the awesome green stuff.

So to review the burrito; 

Tortilla wrap: quite plain but quite meaty.
Rice: pleasantly tomatoey which added to the burrito experience.
Steak: a little pink, not too chewy or tough which is the way I like my steak but not overly flavorsome.
Salsa: I went mild but it still contributed a nice gentle kick of flavor to the burrito.
Peppers: seemed really fresh and were very crunchy.
Pinto beans: excellent, they weren't re fried but almost were like that as they were starting to break up and go mushy, some of the best beans I have ever had!
Sour cream: not quite a big enough portion but still brought the desired cooling effect.
Cheese: again not quite enough but still brought a good bit of flavor, over the steak/beans/sour cream/cheese combination worked really well when they all congealed towards the bottom of the burrito, an inspired selection!

Overall: pretty good going! Really enjoyed the steak although could have been tastier, the rice was good, loved the crunchiness of the peppers as that brought a nice texture to the party. The big plus point for me though was the beans, loved them! Beans are a key player in burritos for me so if they are great the burrito is on to a winner as it was here. As I have already said the steak/beans/sour cream/cheese combo worked really well and combined as beautifully as I had imagined when selecting them as options.

Poncho8 experience: good, very quick service by what seemed a helpful and genuinely enthusiastic team. As I have said great options and variety of meat and good options available as well with the rice. I love the little poncho8 bag (pictured above) as well really colorful and has that Mexican flavor to it. The simple things were done well as well like having a napkin in the bag and the burrito being firmly and well wrapped.

My overall experience would have to be a 7.5/10 as it was a really good burrito but not enough to blow me away as it didn't have really strong authentic flavors. I wouldn't say it was the best burrito in London but I am happy to rate it up there as one of the best. I am a hard marker and was a really good burrito which filled me up and left a good taste in my mouth and good feeling in my belly.

So that's 2 reviews done with Poncho8 coming out on top, hopefully there will be many more reviews to come and stiffer competition ahead!

Tuesday, 15 April 2014

I am a running junkie!

Today I wasn't able to go for a run.

Today I was very disappointed realizing I wouldn't be able to go for a run realistically until Saturday as I have a busy work schedule and a few appointments and commitments over the next few days. 

I will still be going to my boot camp training tomorrow but I wont be running until Saturday.

Then I got a text to say my appointment this evening had been cancelled. 

First thought in my mind = I can go running tonight!

My afternoon flew by from then as I was so excited at the prospect of getting an unexpected hit of my running drug. 

Spurred on by the enjoyment of running in the evening spring sunshine and the motivation gained from watching the thousands of runners elite and amateur alike take part in the London marathon over the weekend I was buzzing at the prospect of getting out running.

I can only imagine the buzz an addict gets at the thought of getting a hit of their drug of choice but I was completed thrilled at the prospect of getting my hit.

As soon as I got in I started getting changed and warming up and before I knew it I was out for my run. 

Its weird as it wasn't the run, the route or how good I felt while running that was so enjoyable it was the joy of it being such an unexpected opportunity and it was one I was going to make the most of.

I opted for a route I have started doing in the last few weeks and my aim was to run comfortably under 5min/km pace as I continue to work on my fitness after injury.

I managed 4.47min/km which was my objective of coming nicely under 5min/km but it was nowhere near comfortable in terms of how I felt as it was a real struggle!

I realy enjoyed my running hit as I knew I would, the sun was bright but the weather cool and I found it very enjoyable being out on a pleasant early evening.

After my run I did some running drills and 5 50m sprints, the background to my workout looked something like this:

Better than being in the gym any day!

I hope everyone is managing to get their required hit of the awesome drug we all enjoy called running.

Monday, 14 April 2014

Weekend report 12th&13th April

Long weekend this weekend as I had Friday and Monday off work.

However I had quite a lot of plans so knew I wouldn't get much running in.

With this in mind I decided to make time for a long run by running part of the way home from work on Thursday night.

It was a 12K run which was the longest run I had done in a while so I figured it would work out well that I wouldn't be running at the weekend and could therefore rest and recover from the longer run.

I managed a 30minute circuit session in the park on Friday including a core circuit, an upper body circuit and a circuit using some body weight resistance machines.

I didn't get the chance for any running at the weekend as I thought but did have a bit of a stretch and loosen up.

Then Monday again I made the time for fitting a run in by going out soon after 7am. I was rewarded with a brilliantly sunny early morning with the birds singing which was really enjoyable and has set me up nicely for the week ahead.

I did a shy under 7K and found it challenging as early morning runs first thing in the morning always are. But they are always worth it as it is better to have gone out early in the morning rather than not at all.

My other highlight of the weekend was our first BBQ of the summer as the weather so so nice on sunday, delicious!

Thursday, 10 April 2014

A running commute

Ever combined your commute home with your evening run?

Working in central London and living miles away presents quite a formidable running challenge but I have done it quite a few times over the last few summers and since the clocks went back a few weeks ago I have been dying to do it again.

Tonight I ran straight from work to West Ham train station, I would like to run all the way home again but as its 15miles+ it takes a bit of training for!

Starting off

So as I said I finished work, got changed and headed off with a minimal warm up.

My route takes me over Fleet Street, out of the city and on to the river.

Along the river down to the Tower of London.

Out through the old East End along Commercial Road and through Tower Hamlets.

Then through Polar and Bow and to my destination of West Ham station.

Its an interesting route as you start off in the city full of its hustle and bustle and end up running through residential areas full of houses and shops. 

One of my favourite parts is coming through Tower Hamlets where the Canary Wharf towers loom magically over the run down buildings of one of London's most deprived boroughs.

I find the whole run a massive thrill just the fact I am completing part of my journey under my own steam and not relying on the buses, trains, tubes and taxis like millions of other commuters.

Its such a fun experience and such a change from a normal run. I kind of think of it a bit like an extreme trail run or even free running as the terrain isn't meant for running and you have to be hyper aware of things around you in the built up areas. It really keeps you on your toes as there are so many dodgy paving stones, cars shooting out of turns not to mention pedestrians weaving all around the place with no spacial awareness!

After West Ham station I still have a 30minute tube journey which is enough time for a cool down. The post workout stretch on a packed commuter tube is quite amusing! 

Chilango Burrito review

So moving away from running and on to my love of food and a bit of foodporn to freshen things up.

I love burritos and have been wanting to do some kind of review/rating system of the various different chains. By the way I am more of a 'man v food' type of guy rather than getting all fancy and gourmet.

So Chilango's, I have been a few times and really enjoyed their burritos and as there are a few near work hard not to pop in. 

My burrito ingredients today were:

Plain rice
Black beans
Grilled marinated chicken
Medium salsa

I know, I know no guacamole! Well I wanted to give the flavours of the chicken and salsa a chance without being covered in green gu! Don't get me wrong I love guacamole but just fancied a change.

So to review the burrito; 
Tortilla wrap: plain and artificial in texture and taste.
Rice: plain and dull (no options provided), but the plus point being it wasn't overly packed up with rice which is always a way to ruin a burrito.
Chicken: tasty and nicely grilled
Salsa: dark and tasted burnt and not a nice flavour to it.
Peppers: nice, just right amount of crispness.
Black beans: really good black beans, but no option of refried beans! Very disappointing! 

Overall: not great but OK, not a lot of flavour and didn't fall in to either the authentic flavourless camp or the artificial and sickly but still really enjoyable camp that burritos tend to divide themselves between.

Chilango experience: not good, staff were friendly and efficient but major points lost for no rice options, a pretty awful tortilla and a disappointing salsa. Also the little things got to me like no water available, no napkin put in your take away bag (I realised this half way through my burrito sat in the park with mucky hands!), the burrito was reasonably priced and also reasonably filling although time will tell on that front!

My overall experience would have to be a 5/10 as it was disappointing but edible at the same time. It would have got a much lower score but the redeeming features were good quality black beans and chicken and the fact the burrito wasn't overly packed out with rice.

Hopefully I will have some more burrito reviews to follow soon.... 

Tuesday, 8 April 2014

Thank you Bristol!!!

Awesome weekend in Bristol; food, drink (mostly cider), abseiling and mountain biking.

Weekend report 4th-7th April

A little late in writing a weekend report considering it is now Tuesday but you will realise why shortly.

Unfortunately it was a runless weekend only this time not through injury. 

Without sharing all the details I was on a stag weekend in Bristol so needless to say with the large amounts of cider we consumed I wouldn't describe the weekend in any way as healthy.

Our hotel did have a swimming pool and gym facilities but drinking until 4am on both Friday and Saturday put pay to any chance of making use of those facilities.

The weekend wasn't exercise free though as our activities for Saturday afternoon were abseiling and mountain biking.

As a first time abseiler I must say I really enjoyed it, its a great challenge for pushing your mind and I would be lying if I said I wasn't absolutely bricking it taking those first few steps over the edge. 

I cant tell you how much I enjoy mountain biking it is on a different level to running as it is a different type of fitness and adds that element of danger and risk. 

Needless to say that a drink fuelled night finishing at 4 am followed by over an hours mountain biking was completely tiring! 

So this week I really must get back to running and after such a weekend my desire for clean living is sky high, detox isdefinitely  my buzzword for the week ahead! 

Tuesday, 1 April 2014

Early morning London run

First day of spring and some lovely weather I couldn't resist going for an early morning run around London. Over the winter I had stopped going out early in the morning as it was too cold and dark and I have been wanting to go out again for a few weeks but hadn't quite got round to it but this morning I did and I was rewarded with London at its finest.
I hope my pictures do justice to the bright, hazy and surprisingly warm early morning spring sunshine?
The plan had been to do a route I had done before of around 10K, starting off from my gym in Aldwych heading along the north bank to Westminster, over the bridge, down the south bank to Tower Bridge and back to the gym.

However TFL had other plans as despite leaving extra early and giving myself loads of time I was delayed by around half an hour due to signal problems on the district line. 

So my 10K plan turned into a more 7K run by taking a detour over the Millennium bridge to shorten the route. 
London is a magical city and no more so than early on a sunny morning. I am always slightly surprised and impressed by the high volume of runners out on the streets but then what was I expecting less than 2 weeks before the London Marathon?! 

Speaking of the London Marathon I was passed by half a dozen or so tracksuited athletes on Westminster bridge who I am pretty sure were some of the elite Kenyan and Ethiopian runners acclimatising to the London streets ahead of the marathon.

After my run I returned to the gym fora quick stretch and cool down before showering and heading off for work. I felt so sorry for the poor souls sweating and panting away on the treadmills when a more joyful running experience laid in wait just outside the door.
If you live, work or train in London I would highly recommend going for a run around, its a great way to see the city. I would love to hear your stories of running in London and maybe any route recommendations or favourite areas to run in? 

Happy running and good luck to anyone preparing for the London Marathon.