Tuesday 5 August 2014

Looking back at my marathon 48hours on

Now 48 hours+ after finishing the marathon on Sunday the dust has settled  and I can look back a little more clearly. 

Yesterday, the day after running my marathon I felt great! Not just normally great but superbly great! I had so much energy both physically and mentally, my legs felt a little achy but I was still able to walk around spritely enough and still bounded up stairs at work and at the train station with my customary energy.

Even today I still feel really good, I keep waiting for some DOMS to hit me with some post marathon pain but so far nothing.

My only ailments post run have been:

  • Achy feet, kind of to be expected after pounding 26 miles! 
  • A sore big toe nail on my left foot, again standard stuff for a long distance runner.
  • A really tight sore lower back yesterday morning I think this was more caused by my tired muscles sitting in my office chair for an extended period.
Non of these cause me any concern, I was dreading Monday as I thought walking would be painful, I would be too drained to work effectively and I would just feel really rough, but I was completely fine. 

The only thing causing concern is my right foot under my big toe and on the ball of my foot. It started as an injury three weeks before the marathon, see blog here and after a few days rest I was able to get back running. With careful monitoring I knew it wasn't getting any worse when walking or running , even when I covered 29km. Post marathon though the pain has amplified, my own diagnosis would suggest Sesamoiditis or Metatarsalgia and I am growing more convinced I should seek a professional medical opinion.

So far my recovery work post marathon has consisted of:

  • A 20 minute walk on Sunday evening followed by a stretch and an ice bath at home.
  • A gentle 10 minute ride on my stationary exercise bike at home followed by a stretch and a roll with my foam roller.
  • A 40 minute walk into work this morning
I feel ready to run again!

I am so excited to start training for my next marathon in approximately 6 weeks. After my experience at this marathon I feel I have a greater understanding of the marathon distance and a better appreciation of what it takes to run a sub 4 hour marathon.

I know I need to hit my training hard for this next marathon an that means more strength work, more sprints, more intervals, more hill running and more milage!

I can't wait to start my new training chapter from tomorrow, bring it on!!!

Thanks for reading and for all the messages following the marathon . What are your tips for recovering from a marathon and for getting stronger for the next one? I look forward to all your suggestions....

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